Loan Periods
Most of the library’s materials can be checked out for 2 weeks, including books, magazines, audiobooks, CDs and DVDs.
Items loaned for 1 week include new feature films, Speed Reads and Quick Read books.
Museum Passes and Library of Things
- Most museum passes are now electronic or one-time-use coupons which do not have to be returned. A few are returnable. Returnable passes are due back before we open on the next day we are open.
- Library of things items may be checked out for up to 14 days with no renewals; patrons may choose the number of days they wish to borrow the item when they place their reservation.
Downloadable materials (eBooks, eAudiobooks, Video, Music)
- Downloadable content is provided through several sources. Loan periods and renewals vary by source and/or material type. Materials are returned automatically.
Most items (including those from other Minuteman Libraries) may be renewed twice if there are no outstanding requests. There are no renewals on Speed Reads and Quick Reads Books, and new feature films and television series.
Most items may be requested by any patron, with the exception of Speed Read and Quick Read Books. Console Games, eReaders and technology devices may be requested by Sudbury residents for Sudbury pick up only.
At Goodnow, materials may be returned in person in the book drop at the circulation desk. In addition, there is an outdoor book drop in the wall to the left of the entry doors, and a freestanding drive-up book drop facing the outgoing driveway. Most materials may be returned via these book drops, with exceptions noted below. In addition, most items may be returned to any Minuteman Library, and the same exceptions apply.
- Playviews borrowed from Goodnow must be returned to the Circulation Desk at Goodnow. They should never be placed in the book drops. There will be a fee assessed for returning any of these items through the book drops.
- Library of Things items must be returned to the Reference Desk at the Goodnow Library.
- Video Games and museum passes may be put into the book drops, but must be returned directly to the Goodnow Library and not to any other library.
- All other items may be put in the book drops or returned to any Minuteman library.
No overdue fines will be assessed on Minuteman Library Network items checked out at the Goodnow Library. If you pick your materials up at another library, fines may apply.
Lost, Damaged or Incomplete Materials
Any item that is not returned or returned in unusable condition will be billed to the patron at the price listed in the catalog. No refunds will be made under any circumstances, so please raise any concerns before payment is made. Only payment for lost or damaged items will be accepted. No replacement copies will be accepted.